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Jax Youth is the youth ministry of Jacksonville First United Methodist Church. We serve students grades 7-12 by offering a weekly time of devotion and games, annual retreats, and plentiful opportunities to serve our church, community & world by sharing Christ’s love.

Join us on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 in the Youth Room for a meal, devotion & games. Be sure to bring your Bible, a great attitude & open mind, and a heart for worship.
Everyone is welcome & encouraged to bring a friend!

Join us on Sundays at 10:10 in the Youth Room for Sunday School

Get involved!
We’re a busy group! Along with yearly winter retreats, we also take advantage of many opportunities to serve our church and community.
Retreats & Activities
From skiing, to whitewater rafting, to the beach, we know how to have fun! We typically do one large overnight retreat in the winter and several more smaller outings & seasonal events throughout the year, typically to the movies, concerts, and amusement parks.
Service Opportunities & Missions
While we do lots of fun things, we also stay involved with our local missions, especially with the Serving Table on the 4th Saturday of every month and the many missions of JCOC.
Every summer, we take a group of students and volunteers to the UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Warehouse in Decatur, AL to work and prepare gifts for those in need.
We are also involved with SIFAT (Servants in Faith and Technology) each summer.