Other Adult Small Groups
In addition to Young Adults and Sunday School Classes
Warm Hearts
Warm Hearts Prayer Group meets on Thursday mornings from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We can normally be found in the parlor on the 2nd floor by the sanctuary. All ages are welcome. Dee Dee Lloyd is hosting at the present time.
It is comprised of people who believe in the power of prayer and are willing to pray for themselves and others as needs become known (even unspoken ones).
Our pledge is:
Pray for our congregation and others as we become aware of their situations and needs.
Pray for each other.
Help where help is needed.
Strive to be a loving, nurturing and nonjudgmental group.
The J.O.Y. group (Jacksonville Older Youth) meets every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. to play games, have devotions, sing some of the good old songs, and eat lunch together. We meet in the J.O.Y. classroom on the first floor near the church office and the “other” youth room!
Twice a year we enjoy hikes in the Talladega National Forest. We deliver baskets at Christmas to our homebound seniors and host a Christmas dinner for our senior members.
Our age group is 50 and above and everyone is welcome!