Welcome To The Children’s Ministry Page!
PARENTS: Take advantage of an early Valentines Dinner.
Wednesday, February 12th from 5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. JAX Kids will host a Valentines Day Party for children 2 years old through 5th grade. There will be dinner, games, crafts, a Bible Story, and fun! There is no cost to attend. Follow the link for event details and registration. For additional information contact Michelle Cole at childrensdirector@jaxfumc.org.
January 2025
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
At JFUMC, we have multiple ways for children to develop in their relationship with God as they grow up. Whether it be through weekly discipleship such as Children’s Church, Nursery, Walkin’ in the Word, and Sunday School or other seasonal activities such as Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, Easter Egg Hunt, or Fall Fest in the fall, we believe that by making God’s Word come to life in fun and exciting ways, we help children to grow up with an understanding of God’s love and remember the truths that the Bible teaches.
For the latest events join our Facebook group!
Children on Sunday Mornings
Children’s Church is available for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. In Children’s Church, children worship God and learn a Bible story through interactive lessons and activities that allow the story to come to life for children. Children in grades K-6 concentrate on the three basic truths, I Can Trust God No Matter What, I Need to Make the Wise Choice, and I Should Treat Others the Way I Want to Be Treated, and how to reflect those in their everyday lives.
Sunday School is available for all ages. Sunday school classes start at 2 years old and go through 6th grade. During Sunday School your child will dig deeper into the Bible Story presented in Children’s Church with a focus on memory verses and discussions.
Nursery is available during all worship services and Sunday school. Nursery is for infants 6 weeks old through 4 years old. Your child will be well cared for by a Safe Sanctuary trained staff and volunteers. Our nursery is a fun, warm, and loving environment where your child will also engage in activities that enforce the three basic truths of God Loves me, God Made Me, and Jesus Wants to be My Friend Forever.
We also incorporate children into the worship services whenever possible. Children serve as acolytes and serve in other ways such as scripture readers, communion servers, or special musicians.
Children’s Ministry Programs
Walkin’ In The Word
Walkin’ in the Word is our children’s program on Wednesday Nights. Walkin’ in the Word brings the kids back together on Wednesday evening to dig a little deeper into the message from Children’s Church on Sunday morning. Kids will build on Sunday’s message with interactive games, crafts, and media related activities that help them understand how to apply God’s Word using real world applications on their level. For more information, please email the Children’s Director. We would love to have your family join us!

JFUMC Christmas Program
An important part of our season is that each year, the children lead us in a JFUMC Christmas Program. On December 13, 2020, due to COVID the children will be teaming up with members from the adult choir to put together a simple, yet powerful telling of the nativity story. Please make plans to come and join us as we celebrate the true meaning of the season - Jesus.
Pictured is the 2019 Children’s Christmas Program - C.A.K.E.
Each year our sixth graders participate in our Confirmation journey. During this class they dive deeper into their faith as they learn more about Methodism, strengthen their spirituality, and grow in their knowledge of scripture. At the end of their journey they will be given the opportunity to make a personal decision about professing their faith in Christ and becoming a full member of God’s church.
Activities include a “5 Vows” retreat and weekly classes with our pastor, children’s director, and other adult mentors.
We celebrate the end of our Confirmation journey with a special service on Confirmation Sunday followed by a reception.
Kids In Missions
We believe it is important to start teaching children at an early age the Greatest Commandment from Matthew 22:37, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself.” With this verse, children learn to love God with all their heart, but they also learn the importance of helping their neighbor. There are many ways that children can help those around them. Whether creating a craft project to deliver to local nursing home residents, putting together Christmas shoeboxes for children in other countries, or going each summer on a mission day trip, there are many ways that children can live out this verse. We incorporate missions into the Children’s Ministry program any opportunity that we can.
Other Events Throughout the Year Include
Family Easter Celebration
Summer Fun Days
Vacation Bible School
Back to School Bash
Fall Family Fest
Breakfast with Jesus
Stellar VBS 2023