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Jacksonville First UMC offers an extensive set of vocal and instrumental activities to enhance worship and lead all of us in offering our gifts. Worship includes a variety of musical styles and utilizes choir, soloists, worship band, handbells, and other creative expressions. Everyone is encouraged to find a place in music and arts ministries. 

Our gifted worship band leads God's people in worship weekly at the Gathering In Grace service at 11:00 am and the 5:00 pm Thrive Worship gathering, both of which are held in the MAC. Lighting, visuals, and sounds draw us closer to Christ. Youth and young adults participate actively, leading in music on a regular basis. To learn more about being involved in the worship band, contact our Contemporary Worship Leader.

Our talented Chancel Choir leads in congregational song and musical offerings weekly at the 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. and all are welcome. Highlights each year include an annual Christmas cantata and an annual “Hymns for Hunger” hymn festival. To learn more about being involved in the Chancel Choir, contact our Music Director.

Our Fay Ann Handbell Choir shares their gifts regularly in worship as well. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. For more information on joining the handbell choir contact our Music Director.

Children are involved in an annual Christmas musical program. For more information about the children's Christmas program, contact our Children's Director.

For up-to-date information on events related to music and arts at Jacksonville First UMC, see our weekly Spark.