What to Expect
We are a church of open hearts, open minds, and open doors. You are invited to check out our 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service in our historic sanctuary, our 11:00 a.m. “Simple Church” service in the McWhorter Activity Center (MAC), and our 5:00 p.m. Thrive Worship experience in the MAC.
We don't single people out. We just consider you part of our faith family! There is no dress code, so come as you are. We look forward to meeting you.
Learn more about the basics of Sunday worship for adults, youth, and children below.
Worship is the heartbeat of God's church and energizes the whole body for mission and ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. Praying, singing, affirming faith, offering gifts, and hearing scripture blend with the message of the day and the sacraments for an experience that challenges the mind and touches the heart.
Coming on a Communion Sunday? Our church shares Holy Communion on first Sundays of the month and on other special occasions. We want you to know that in our tradition, all people are welcome to receive the gift of communion, for the table is a table of grace. You don’t have to be a member of our church. Children are welcome, too. All are welcome. Really.
We also extend the sacrament beyond the walls of the church. Volunteers take communion to the residents of Legacy Village on the first Sunday of each month, praying and sharing bread and juice that was blessed in worship that day. You are also invited to deliver communion to others you know and love who are not able to attend in person. Just speak to one of our volunteers after church on communion Sundays for pre-packaged communion supplies that have been blessed at the table.
We now offer three worship experiences on Sundays.
Traditional Service at 9 a.m. - Gathering in Grace (GIG) at 11 a.m. - Thrive Worship at 5 p.m. (except holiday weekends)
Traditional Worship
9 a.m.
Our Sunday morning traditional service meets in our historic sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. The service features spirited hymns, the use of hymnals, a gifted Chancel Choir, a talented Handbell Choir, the music of our Organist and Pianist, the leadership of our acolytes and lay readers, and the historic creeds, liturgies, and prayers of the Church. Sunday School for all ages follows the morning service weekly.
Enjoy a video recording of our live-streamed Sunday morning Traditional Service on Facebook or YouTube. You may find it below:
Contemporary Worship
“GIG” at 11 a.m. & “Thrive” at 5 p.m.
We have two contemporary Services that meet each week in the relaxed setting of our MAC (McWhorter Activity Center). We enjoy the same theme and message of the day in a relaxed, informal atmosphere and singing with a guitars, keyboard, and hand percussion. We employ visual media at both services.
Our 11:00 a.m. contemporary worship is called “GIG” (Gathering in Grace), and is slightly blended with some traditional hymns here and there. Volunteers bring snacks and refreshments ot enjoy in the MAC Coffee Bar. Our 5:00 p.m. contemporary worship is called “THRIVE,” and meets weekly (except for holiday weekends). We add the use of video clips and enjoy more of a small group atmosphere to enhance worship. Both contemporary worship experiences feature gifted and diverse musicians. We worship in a way that’s real, relevant, and relational.
Be sure to check out the promo video of our Thrive Worship experience!
A safe, clean, and professionally staffed nursery is offered for all worship services for children six weeks old through four years old. The nursery is located on the first floor of the children’s wing.
Pagers are available for parents with children in the nursery. The pager can be used to notify the parent should a need arise.
Children's Church is ready with open arms for ages four years old through 6th grade during the regular Sunday worship services at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. Children start out in the main worship room with their church family and are dismissed for a special worship experience designed just for them. In Children’s Church, children will grow in their relationship with God through lessons and activities that give them the opportunity to experience God’s Word in fun and exciting ways! Whether it be through a craft project, a science experience, an object lesson, or a fun game, kids will experience God in a whole new way in Children’s Church.
We have several different children’s Sunday school classes depending on the age of your child.
2, 3 & 4 Year Old’s - Downstairs Children’s Wing
Pre K & Kindergarten - Downstairs Children’s Wing
1st & 2nd Grade - Upstairs Children’s Wing
3rd & 4th Grade - Upstairs Children’s Wing
5th & 6th Grade - Upstairs Children’s Wing